From an iPad or iPhone
These instruction use Apple Safari and Google Chrome with the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC app. This app can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes Store or from . Due to installed software, apps, add-ins and settings that vary from device to device, these instructions may not exactly match how your device works.
The link to the 24 Hour Report is on the left side of this web page.
Click/Tap on the Link to 24 Hr Report. Your internet browser (Safari/Chrome) will open the document. Tap on the document and chose "Open in....", then select "Copy to Adobe Acrobat". Adobe Reader should open the report. You can now enter the information into the various boxes. The final scores will automatically be calcultated based on the 1st, 2nd and OT scores entered for each team. After completing, chose the upload/share symbol([image:image-0]), choose "Share File", then "Share Flattened Copy". (Do not use "Share Original Document"!) This will bring up the email apps loaded on your device. Select an email app. This will open the email app with the Send-Off report included as an attachment. Send the report to Cc yourself to have your own copy and verify the completed form was sent. Copies will automatically be sent to PAD, League Officials and the Referee Coordinator.
Finally.... print and MAIL a hard copy of the 24 Hr. Report(s) with the player card(s) to the SASL Pad Committee. Address is on the left side of this page.
Mail hard copy to the address at the top of the form