Sacramento Adult Soccer League

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Team Managers:

TEAM REGISTRATION - Each Fall, each team must turn in a completed Annual Mandatory Form and Annual Team registration fee ($100 Returning).  FORMS AND FEE SHOULD BE MAILED TO THE LEAGUE TREASURER; JEFF BRODD, 4423 Park Green Court, Sacramento, CA  95821.  DO NOT MAIL DIRECTLY TO CSAN.

TEAM FEE - Each season (FALL & WINTER), each team must pay the team fee.  As of the Winter/Spring 2025 Season, the fee is $1,625.  This fee pays for fields, referees and league operations.  A discount of $50 is available if paid seven (7) or more days prior to the fee deadline date.  The date the fee is due will be posted on the website prior to each season and provided at the applicable planning meeting.  Fees must be received by THE LEAGUE TREASURER; JEFF BRODD, 4423 Park Green Court, Sacramento, CA  95821, prior to the deadline date.  Checks should be made payable to SASL.

PLAYER REGISTRATION –  Team Managers  have the option of registering players with CSAN as usual with the Registration  Form or with the more recent on-line registration process.  It is  requested that the manager register as many players as possible at the  same time to expedite matters, especially at the beginning of the fall season.  

To  the extent a player is registered in the previously customary process,  with a Registration Form, you must provide a new and recent photo of the  player, along with the Registration Form and a $26 registration fee per  player.  These forms go to CSAN in San Francisco at the address printed  on the forms.  If mailing, please expect a 14 day turn-around period.  

To  proceed with on-line registration, the following are  instructions/information that the league received from Affinity, the  group responsible for online registration program with CSAN.  Team  managers/captains need to register online (create an account) and  register players online.  Pictures can be scanned or imported files but they should be recent photos, passport type size.   Instructional videos are available in English and Spanish to assist you with the Registration  process.

The  league Registrar was given access as a "League" administrator.  Team managers are being provided access as Team "Captains"/ Managers so that  they can register players.  If your team is not listed on the registration website, you will need to contract the League Registrar.

Managers need to log on and create a team account. New teams will need to provide the CSAN-Team Annual Mandatory Form and pay the fee to SASL before you will be able to create a team account.

The league is divided into several age groups.  Player age eligibility is determined by the age of the player on the day the game is played.

If  you have any questions, email the SASL Registrar and the  Registrar should be able to answer questions or inquire further with CSAN.

ASSUMPTION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISKS AND RELEASE OF LIABILTIY AGREEMENT –  Teams also need to submit the Assumption and Acknowledgement of Risks and Release of Liability Agreement form for CSAN to process players’ registrations.

PLAYER TRANSFERSPlayers transferring to another team must use a Player Transfer form.  The completed form and $10 needs to be sent to CSAN (address is on the form).
PLAYER RELEASES SASL by-laws limit the number of registered players a team can have to twenty-five (25).  Once you have registered 25 players you must drop a player before adding an additional player.  To drop a player you must complete the Player Release form and send the completed form along with the player pass to CSAN.

PLAYER PASSES - All passes must have a SASL tracking sticker applied by SASL’s PAD chair or SASL registar.  Should a manager receive player passes directly from CSAN it is the manager’s responsibility to contact the PAD Chair or registrar and arrange to have tracking stickers applied. Referees will be instructed to not accept passes without pass stickers.
Copyright SASL 2024
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